SIP-95: Delist sBCH and iBCH for evaluation


Simple Summary

Delist sBCH & iBCH due to the contentious Bitcoin Cash (BCH) fork to BCHN and Bitcoin Cash ABC, as BCH as it was formerly known no longer exists in the same sense and price feeds are unreliable at this stage.


Delist BCH and wait until the dominant fork and price feeds are established and then re-examine its listing using the Delphi asset listing framework.


There is uncertainty around the identity of BCH, as it has been forked into two separate versions. To protect traders and SNX stakers against this uncertainty, it will be prudent to remove BCH until the situation is clarified or resolved.


Since the BCH asset has forked into two new assets, each would need to be subject to the Delphi asset listing framework to meet the requirements to be able to be added back to the protocol.


Delist sBCH & iBCH

  1. Upgrade iBCH without purge exchange limit of 100,000 sUSD
  2. Upgrade sBCH to a Purgeable Synth
  3. Purge sBCH & iBCH into sUSD
  4. Remove sBCH & iBCH from the protocol and the exchange

Relist sBCH & iBCH

  1. In a few weeks consider the dominate chain and potential change in symbol.
  2. Re-evaluate using Delphi asset listing framework
  3. Get updated Chainlink Oracle price feeds
  4. Deploy new Synths

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