SIP-406: FeatureFlag - Atomic Synth Trading & Wrappers

NetworkArbitrum & Base
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Simple Summary

The sip proposes to put in place a feature flag into the asyncOrderModule, atomicOrderModule and WrapperModule , essentially allowing the protocol to disable atomic trades, wraps and unwraps.


The current implementation of the spot market on v3 does not allow for disabling of atomic orders or wrapping/unwrapping of synths. This SIP would allow the protocol to enable/disable those functions. In addition, a general purpose flag would be added that allows the owner to disable trading on the entire spot market.


The main motivation is to allow the protocol to have more fine tuned and general control over synth trading and wrapping.


The specification would be incorporating the standard v3 feature flag module into the atomicOrderModule and the wrapperModule. Whereby each marketId would be need to be have the trading / wrapping feature enabled on it, otherwise transactions involved synths that have not been enabled would revert. In addition, a general purpose would be added to all the relevant spot market modules to allow the owner to curtail exchanges.

The requirement spec is covered under PR, essentially it entails adding the following flags:

  • spotMarketEnabled would enable the entire spot market for all synths, i.e. atomic, async and wrappers
  • atomicOrdersEnabled would enable atomic orders on a specific synth, whereby the non-core USD need to be enabled for the atomic swap transaction to go through
  • wrapperEnabled would enable wraps & unwraps on a specific synth, whereby the non-core USD need to be enabled for the wrap/unwrap transaction to go through

Configurable Values (Via SCCP)

The protocol should be able to specify which synth (marketId) are allowed to be traded and wrapped with feature flags. All marketId are disabled for market orders by default unless enabled via the the feature flag option.

Test Cases

Will be setup after the testnet release.

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