SIP-266: Deprecation of the dilution function outlined within SIP 104 and referenced within SIPs 152, 191 and 201

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This SIP proposes the deprecation of the dilution function used within the Spartan Council governance system outlined within SIP 104 and referenced within SIPs 152, 191 and 201. This is due to its inability to work as intended and the introduction by SIP-207 of a minimum number of active members variable to the governance system (minimumActiveMembers) that is incompatible with SIP-104’s contents.


The Spartan Council dilution function is intended to allow token holders to signal dissatisfaction with the decisions of a member or members of the Spartan Council and bring about the withdrawal of their vote. This occurs when the corresponding council member or members’ voting weight is reduced by the relative dissenting party’s weighted debt in proportion to the council member’s total debt. This process, however, has been found to be ineffective at achieving its goal due to, for example, lack of time granted to the community to mobilize in opposition to a vote. Furthermore, it is incompatible with changes implemented by SIP-207 (V3GM Election Module). This is because while SIP-104 explicitly states that “after an Election Period the constituents of the Spartan Council will be locked in for a Council Epoch”, SIP-207 introduces the concept of member dismissal and a potentially resultant emergency election that would end the epoch and thus break such a “lock”.


The passing of SIP-207 (V3GM Election Module), as well as the positive temperature checks received by SIPs 263 and 301 on the configuration of the variables around the dismissal of a Spartan Council member, have demonstrated that SIP-104 is both no longer compatible with the governance system explicitly, due to the contents of SIP-207 undermining its wording, and also because of anticipation of delegation among the community and a move towards facilitating dismissal of Spartan Council members by the council owner (currently the pDAO but envisaged to be the Spartan Council in the future) where absolutely necessary, with an emergency election potentially triggered as a result.


The contents of the following SIPs relating to the dilution function shall be considered deprecated and no longer apply to the governance system:

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